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Accurately Calculating your maitenance calories for lasting fast loss

Ever wondered how to calculate your own calories?

Or maybe you put your info into a calorie tracking app and wondered if the number was actually correct for you? There is a simple method to estimate your maintenance calories called the "Total Body Weight Method." This method provides a rough estimate based on your body weight alone. And it’s much, much easier than using the Harris Benedict equation that we use for our clients.

Here's how you can use the Total Body Weight Method:

  • Determine your body weight in pounds or kilograms, depending on your preference.

  • Use the following guidelines to estimate your maintenance calories:

    • For weight maintenance: Multiply your body weight by 14-16 calories per pound (or 29-35 calories per kilogram). Use the lower end of the range if you have a sedentary lifestyle or the higher end if you are active.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and have a moderately active lifestyle, you can estimate your maintenance calories as follows: 150 pounds * 14-16 calories per pound = 2100-2400 calories per day.

IF a higher than expected amount of calories is your result - and you find that you can not eat that much without packing on the pounds, that is your body telling you that you need a reverse diet in order to rebuild your metabolism. Which will allow you to eat the correct amount of calories - without gaining weight. If you have not gone through a reverse diet process before - I strongly encourage you to reach out and get a coach to guide you for the best results possible. (both mentally and physically)

Tracking your food intake and monitoring your body's response is another method and be an effective way to determine your maintenance calories. Here's how you can approach it:

  • Start by tracking your daily food intake: Use a food diary or a mobile app to record everything you eat and drink throughout the day, including portion sizes.

  • Track your body weight: Weigh yourself consistently, preferably under similar conditions (e.g., same time of day, similar clothing), and track your weight over time. To be effective you would need to do this for a minimum of 2 weeks.

  • Monitor changes in body weight: Keep track of how your body weight changes over several weeks while maintaining a consistent food intake.

  • Adjust your calorie intake based on weight changes: If your body weight remains stable over time, it indicates that your current calorie intake is close to your maintenance level. If you're gaining weight, it suggests that you're consuming more calories than your maintenance level. Conversely, if you're losing weight, it suggests that you're consuming fewer calories than your maintenance level.

  • Fine-tuning your calorie intake: Based on your weight changes, make adjustments to your calorie intake gradually. If you want to maintain your weight, aim to keep your calorie intake at the level that maintains a stable body weight. If you want to lose or gain weight, adjust your calorie intake by small increments (e.g., 100-200 calories per day) and monitor your weight changes over time.

By tracking your food intake and closely observing changes in your body weight, you can gradually determine the calorie intake that maintains your weight. Remember to be patient and give your body enough time to show consistent trends before making significant adjustments.

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